Links to 50+ Trainings covering Operations, Manufacturing, Processing, Supplier Management, Supply Chain, Project & Process Management, Packaging and Water.
Links to 35+ Trainings on Sustainable Food and minimising your environmental impact.
A Supplier Management Training Series covering Supplier Quality Policy, Finding Suppliers, What’s included on a Specification, Audit & Approve Suppliers.
An Agri-Food Resources Catalogue with links to valuable information on Food Sectors, Ingredients, Products, Open Access Journals (for the latest research) and Useful Websites.
A Questionnaire to support Issue Troubleshooting in a Food Business.
Product Developers
Links to 25+ Trainings on Innovation, Marketing and Product-Package Development.
Links to 40+ Nutrition Trainings on how food impacts health & what constitutes a healthy calorie for product design.
A National Regulations & Agencies Web Directory for 113 countries. Each national page has links to the ministries, regulatory agencies & support agencies.
A Series of Innovation Blogs, Training Videos and Toolkits for product developers.
A Series of Packaging Blogs, Training Videos and Toolkits to support packaging staff.
Food Safety & Microbiology Staff
10Free Online Food Safety & Microbiology Trainings to inform your Food Safety Agenda.
Consolidated Resource links for: GFSI Recognised Food Safety Standards, Open Access Journals, Institutes & Associations and Useful Food Safety Websites.
An Agri-Food Resources Catalogue providing valuable information on Food Sectors, Ingredients & Products.
Quality & Technical Staff
25+ Free Online Quality, Science & Standards Trainings to support design, definition and management of a comprehensive quality system.
ASupplier Management Training Series covering Supplier Quality Policy, Finding Suppliers, What’s included on a Specification, Audit & Approve Suppliers.
Consolidated Resource links for Food Standards, Open Access Journals, Institutes & Associations and Useful Websites.
A Questionnaire to support Issue Troubleshooting in a Food Business.
An Agri-Food Resources Catalogue providing valuable information on Food Sectors, Ingredients & Products.
Food Start-Ups
Visit our Food Start-Up Training & for links to resources on starting a food business.
People Managers
25+ Free Online Personal Development Trainings to accelerate employee growth & development including sections on Self Assessment, Career Management, Competencies, Organisation skills, Project Management Skills, Communication Skills and Influencing Skills.
45+ Free online Management Development Trainings including sections on Hiring & Induction, Performance Management, Team Management, Strategy, Management Skills, Leadership Skills, Structure & Culture and Diversity & Inclusion.
Whether you work in a small medium or large food company, you will find training and resources for your business. Our Directory Sitemap will help you find your way around.
The toolkits include guides, templates, infographics, checklists & questionnaires: Check out our Toolkits page for the following: Innovation Packaging Supply…