Nutrition Training & Resources
Access essential free resources and training on nutrition, nutrients, gut health, and the immune system to elevate your product development. Dive into the science behind food and health, and gain a clear understanding of what defines a healthy calorie. Note: Courses were free at posting; some certificates may have fees.
Nutrition Training
- Diploma in Human Nutrition (Training Course)
- Nutrition & Health: Food Safety (Training Course)
- Nutrition & Health: Human Microbiome (Training Course)
- Nutrition & Health: Macronutrients & Overnutrition (Training Course)
- Nutrition & Health: Micronutrients & Malnutrition (Training Course)
- A Food Values Blueprint for designing healthy products (Training Video)
- How the food you eat affects your brain (Training Video)
- How your digestive system works (Training Video)
- You ARE what you eat (Training Video)
- Nourishing Traditional Diets (Training Video)
Nutrients Training
- How do carbohydrates impact your health? (Training Video)
- Structure of Carbohydrates (Training Video)
- The Deal with Fats and nutrition (Training Video)
- What is Fat? (Training Video)
- Fats 101 (Training Video)
- What is Protein (Training Video)
- Micronutrition Part 1 Vitamins & Minerals (Training Video)
- Micronutrition Part 2 Antioxidants & Phytochemicals (Training Video)
- How do Vitamins Work? (Training Video)
- What is a Calorie (Training Video)
- Vitamin A Sources Functions & Deficiencies (Training Video)
Gut Health Training
- Food for thought: How your belly controls your brain (Training Video)
- The surprisingly charming science of your gut (Training Video)
- How the food your eat affects your gut (Training Video)
- How Bacteria Rule Over Your Body – The Microbiome (Training Video)
- Mind altering microbes: How the microbe affects brain & behavior (Training Video)
- Feed your microbes – Nurture your mind (Training Video)
- Food for Thought – A Tale of Two Brains (Training Video)
Immune System Training
- Introduction to Immunology (Training Course)
- How does your immune system work (Training Video)
- What is Epigenetics? (Training Video)
- Nutrigenomics – How food talks to your genes (Training Video)
- What is inflammation in the body (Training Video)
- What is inflammation (Training Video)
- Extinguishing inflammation with real foods (Training Video)
Nutrition Journals – Open Access
- Nutrients Journal
- Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences
- Journal of Nutrition Science Research
- Functional Foods Centre/Food Science Publisher
- Journal of Probiotics & Health