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Optimising Governance & Compliance: A Visual Framework for Food Businesses

As I collaborate with organisations on operating processes and organisation design, one of the key tools I use to help visualise and streamline workflows is a structured framework.

Food businesses operate in a highly complex and evolving environment, with increasing regulatory requirements, governance expectations, and operational challenges. To navigate this complexity effectively, it’s crucial to have a clear visual representation of where the organisation stands in relation to governance, compliance, performance metrics, and competency gaps.

By applying a legend against a holistic framework, businesses can:
✅ Identify key governance and compliance areas
✅ Pinpoint where measurement and data points are needed
✅ Conduct competency assessments to highlight areas for development

To introduce this concept, I’ve put together a short video explaining the framework approach and its benefits. Additionally, I’ve developed a Toolkit that includes an infographic and instructions to help businesses implement and customise this framework to suit their unique needs.

A technical framework for food manufacturing serves as a visual guide to align all critical operational steps necessary for success. It provides clarity, ensuring that governance, compliance, and capability are holistically integrated across the supply chain.

Check out the video and download the toolkit to see how this framework can support your business!

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