Our new website delivers lots of enhancements and new content for the food industry
In 2020 we advanced the scope and offerings of bia-biz.com https://www.bia-biz.com/ adding lots of new content to reflect your areas of interest and redesigning our menus and layout for easier navigation.
We have doubled the number of Free Training Links as Free Food Training Courses is our most visited page. Check out links to over 300 free trainings.

We have pages dedicated to all aspects of the food supply chain
- National Standards (110+ Countries)
- Food Start-Up
- Innovation
- Nutrition
- Food Safety
- Quality-Science-Standards
- Manufacturing-Supply Chain
- Sustainable Food
- Agri-Food Resources
- Personal Development
- Management Development
Each page includes links to training courses, training videos, toolkits, best practices, references, open access journals, publications, associations and useful websites. Our Printable One Page Sitemap will help you find your way around.
Explore 69 Conferences & Events including 18 Virtual Events on our 2021 Calendar. Let us know if you would like to add your event (free posting)
Download 23 Free Instructional Toolkits spanning innovation, supplier quality, packaging, issue troubleshooting, personal development, management skills and website development.
Access 60+ Categorized Blogs on our Blog Directory, use our Menu to search for your area of interest. If you are interested in submitting a guest blog, guidelines are in section 3.6 of our Policies.
Visit out Youtube Channel and access 100+ Food Industry Training Videos.

We extended our platforms and can be found at:
Thanks to all of our users for your engagement and comments.
- Best Web Directory for Food Industry & Nutrition – Comprehensive, Valuable & Amazing (General Manager UAE)
- There are some fantastic resources and I will be sharing this globally with the Technical Managers (Technical Manager UK)
- Its just Awesome — All in one place (Production Manager UAE)
- The website is amazing (Innovation & Food Technologist Brazil)
- What a fantastic resource (Food Consultant Australia)
- It is an amazing resource for Food Engineers (Food Engineer Croatia)
- My students will be delighted to have such a good resource (Professor India)
- Your site is awesome for an active learner (QA Executive Pakistan)
- Can’t believe I didn’t know about it before (Product Developer Ireland)
Looking forward to enhancing our platform further in 2021.